Loading a Shapefile into PostGISΒΆ
This task shows how to load a ShapeFile into PostGIS database:
Ensure that postgis server is running. If not, open the terminal window and start it:
(Windows) postgis_start.bat
Once postgis is running, enter the following command and press enter to creating a new database named ‘shape’:
(Linux) createdb -U geosolutions -T postgis20 shape or (Windows) setenv.bat createdb -U geosolutions -T postgis20 shape
Then enter the following command and press enter to load the ShapeFile into ‘shape’ database:
(Linux) shp2pgsql -I ${TRAINING_ROOT}/data/user_data/Mainrd.shp public.main_roads | psql -d shape or (Windows) shp2pgsql -I "%TRAINING_ROOT%\data\user_data\Mainrd.shp" public.main_roads | psql -U postgres -d shape
The ShapeFile will be loaded within the ‘main_roads’ table of the ‘shape’ database.
The following screenshot shows some of the table contents in
In Windows, you can run pgAdmin, executing pgAdmin.bat batch file at terminal window.
In the next section we will see how to add a PostGIS layer into GeoServer.